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Is there room for a mashup event in the North West

As my mid afternoon appointment got cancelled after I arrived in London, I have been blogging and organising the speakers and website for the NW Start Up 2.0 event. I just secured the third and fourth speakers, Robert Wakeling, Founder and CEO of Wadaro and Mark Birbeck of X-Port. Later today, I will be attending my first mashup event in London organised by the Vecosys boys. I will be meeting Mark for the first time. We chatted on Skype for the first time today. Yet he agreed to be a speaker. Internet is great. Web 2.0 stuff is even better for networking!

North West now has a startup/investment gathering (thanks to moi! – will keep this free as long as I can) and has many technology based gatherings. What it seems to be missing is a mashup type event!

  1.  Does anyone think it is a good idea to explore the possibility of holding mashup events every 3 months in Manchester?
  2. And if so, are you willing to pay £20 to £30 to attend an event (I/ebdex can’t run everything free – there need to be a ROI somewhere down the line!)
  3. Or does anyone else wants to organise this type of event?

By the way, I need to check the ownership/copy rights associated with "mashup" and this may be owned by Simon Grice! Simon continues to support NW StartUp by donating webspace on his etribes platform.

Not bad for an afternoon’s effort!

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