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edocr on CrunchBase and TradeVibes

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edocr has been on CrunchBase run by TechCrunch since we first appeared on TechCrunch UK and US in October 2007. Here is a snap shot our profile. Do leave a comment if you happen to visit our page on CrunchBase.


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edocr image

Location: Cheshire, United Kingdom
Founded: April, 2007

edocr allows users to upload a .doc or .pdf document and then to download, share or embed it via a Flash interface on any website. No other forms of document are allowed. Learn More

TradeVibes goes beyond simply copying the information from your website, it provides interactivity, e.g. asking your feedback on bullishness or bearishness of the company. Here is the company profile:

Edocr lets you upload your document and then allow people to download, share or embed it via a Flash interface on any website.

“edocr’s mission is to bring attention to business documents through…More»

Edocr lets you upload your document and then allow people to download, share or embed it via a Flash interface on any website.

“edocr’s mission is to bring attention to business documents through interactivity. At edocr, you can open a free account and upload your documents for sharing by the professional and business community. At the same time, you can interact with the documents uploaded by like minded professionals and businesses. Once uploaded, edocr generates a visually stunning thumbnail and flash document that you could embed on to your corporate website, blog, e-zine, etc. The social network wrapper around each flash document allows edocr community to interact with your documents through commenting, ranking, tagging, book marking, e-mailing friends and colleagues, e-mailing author/publisher without having to know their e-mail address, etc. The document can also be assigned to Special Interest Groups for extending the interactivity.”
(Source :«Less

Location: Cheshire, United Kingdom

Powered by TradeVibes

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