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Tag: wordpress

Lessons learned from NetHosted, AWS Lighsail and Linode WordPress hosting

For as long as I can remember, I always host my WordPress websites on NetHosted, a UK based web hosting company. I have a reseller account with them which I use for all my sites. However, I have been wanting to trial AWS Lightsail for a while. My two attempts caused a lot more grief than I bargained for. NetHosted To spin a new WordPress site at NetHosted is dead easy. It typically involves: Buy a URL. I switched recently from 123-reg (which struggled during the last few attempts to purchase) to GoDaddy. Login to NetHosted and then to WHM…

Testing edocr WordPress Plugin

Let’s see how this renders by simply adding the edocr Document URL, which then uses #oEmbed – same plugin displays the document thumbnails on the right hand side bar Above was not good. Let’s try again… Ok, it seems the URL has to be on its own. Need to fix the width. This may be due to edocr oEmbed releasing fixed width 658px

Never ending wordpress theme changing

Since I restarted blogging few months back, I have been looking for the ultimate wordpress theme. I must have changed themes more than I have blogged during this short period. To my surprise, I came across a theme today titled “Smells like Facebook” by Ainun Nazieb. Strangely, I find it intriguing and satisfying. Perhaps its the familiarity. But it sure will confuse few people when they come across it for the first time! Let’s hope this theme will last longer than the last dozen or so I experimented with.