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Month: May 2023

Removing unused image files from WordPress

As we are getting closer to breaching the file limit (300,000) on the current hosting subscription, I need to find a way to remove thousands of unused images and other file formats our users have uploaded. This is what ChatGPT says To find unused image files from WordPress folders, you can follow these steps: Backup your WordPress website: Before making any changes to your website’s files, it’s always a good practice to create a backup to avoid any potential data loss. Access your WordPress installation files: Use an FTP client or a file manager provided by your hosting provider to…

First 100 km ride in 2023

I’m still recovering from an unexpected 100 km ride yesterday. When I do not ride longer distances, I start to doubt myself. I went out yesterday hoping to improve from the previously longest ride in 2023, which was 55 km. My hope was for a 70 km ride, as I assumed I was unfit. If I plan to ride a long way, I normally go deep south with a pit stop at Holmes Chapel Costa. Yesterday’s ride was without a pit stop, i.e. no coffee and bacon butty. My wife and kids bought me an Apple Watch a few years…