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Month: April 2023

A quick reintroduction to me

A quick introduction whilst I am here. I have been building tech companies and support businesses since 2004 with my fair share of failures. My 17 efforts are listed When I turned 50 about 5 years ago, I promised myself that I will build 5 businesses over the next 20 years. Here’s where I am today Community (know how): – I speak about Techcelerate Way often these days. Building tech companies in a sustainable manner without chasing investors from the beginning. Get traction before investment. Intelligence (UK only though): and it’s assets – dedicated to tracking the UK’s tech investment landscape. Both…

How can hooks be used with plugins that are not part of the theme within child themes in WordPress?

What ChatGPT said. In WordPress, hooks can be used to modify or extend the functionality of a plugin or theme without directly editing the plugin or theme files. To use hooks with plugins that are not part of the theme within child themes, follow these steps: Create a child theme: To create a child theme, create a new folder in the “wp-content/themes/” directory of your WordPress installation and name it whatever you want. Within this folder, create a style.css file and add the following code: /* Theme Name: Your Child Theme Name Template: Name of the Parent Theme */ Replace…

Stay employed! Don’t leave to start a tech startup!

If you are employed, please don’t leave it to set up a new tech startup. If you do, it’s simply bad timing on your part. Most things are stacked against you, especially if you need external capital. It’s going to be a tough time for everyone – a blood bath for some. More and more venture backed tech companies are going under. Whilst I am only a Punt Investor and not a real investor, quite a number of my punts are proving to be, guess what, just PUNTS! Clim8 shut down recently Coconut is being sold for £1 And there are more. In some of these cases, the…

Trying to make sense of my world

Trying hard to make sense ???? Techcelerate Group includes: Techcelerate SkilledUp Life, previously incubated by Techcelerate Labs Techcelerate Labs Techcelerate Labs include: Deal Lite Progress Hero with Andrew Threlfall Leaderboard built 100% by SkilledUp Lifers and many more Sadly our Twitter App is buggered – Free API cancelled by Elon! I’ve not yet succeeded in building sales teams. Need to crack this! See you tomorrow morning

The New Gold!

Right now, the new gold seems to be in the data. Who has the most data on which AI Models can be run? Take for example. They are sitting on so many documents. Just imagine unleashing ai models on extracted data from documents. Even Deal Lite has data. Our data sets are small due to our niche focus. Yet, it could have a greater value in the future.So, if you are building a business where there is data, whether extracted or not, you are accumulating gold. So keep doing what you do.

Alpha and Beta Comparison to Technology Readiness Levels (TRL)

Alpha and Beta About a decade ago, you would have seen many websites showcasing “beta” labels with logos to indicate that the website is still in the testing phase and not launched fully. Slideshare which inspired me to launch displayed beta label for many years. This trend of displaying alpha and beta labels have dropped out of fashion many years ago.According to ChatGPT, Alpha and beta releases, are typically used in software development to denote different stages of testing and deployment. An alpha release is an early version of a product that is released to a limited group of…

The so-called Product Market Fit (PMF)

To me, Product Market Fit (PMF) is just a pre-mature process, when you are starting up. The real issue is not PMF, but the Problem Solution Fit (PSF). How deeply do you understand the problem? Have you fallen in love with solving this problem? How relevant is the problem to you? Is the problem something you felt one time or continue to feel? A bad example is wedding apps just because you had issues trying to get hitched. Are you solving someone else’s problem that you have no deep experience of? My first failed tech startup was trying to do…

Cookies vs jwt authentication

I’m not a developer, but keen to understand Which one is the most used? Which one is the best? Which one is the latest? ChatGPT Response Cookies and JWT are two common methods for authentication in web applications. Here are some answers to your questions: The most used method for authentication is cookies. This is because cookies have been around for a long time and are widely supported by browsers and web servers. Many web frameworks and libraries also have built-in support for cookies. There is no single “best” method for authentication, as it largely depends on the specific requirements…