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Dennis finally makes it to ZDNet

Dennis Howlett, one of the two people who inspired me to start blogging (the other one has nearly given up) has just published his first post on ZDNet blog, as a result of prodding by Dan Farber. His first post is a cracker, especially about Paris Hilton and even having a go at Freshbooks.

Dennis Howlett’s equation: Attention + composition = x2 revenue by ZDNet‘s Dan Farber — Fellow Enterprise Irregular, blogger and IT/finance consultant Dennis Howlett offers a guest post on the state of business application software, connecting the dots between Erasure,, social media, attention, Paris Hilton, James Governor, Jeff Nolan, Oracle, SAP, Freshbooks, thingamy, Eternal Recurrence, Sage, Infor, Larry Ellison and Marc Benioff. The refrain we hear in the […]

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