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Day: March 11, 2008

Barcamp Manchester – Inaugural event

I attended Barcamp Manchester on 1st of March 08, and here are couple of pictures thanks to flickr.     BarcampManchester had been a subject regularly discussed at North West Digital Communities meetings. Until Paul Robinson took over, they remained just talks. Paul made BarcampManchester happen! Well done mate! Here are some of the blog posts by other attendees: BarCamp Manchester BarCampManchesterUK Brightbox at Barcamp Manchester UK Here are couple of videos: Technorati Tags: barcampmanchesteruk

OpenCoffee Manchester is no more!

I am proud to have brought OpenCoffee to the North. First Manchester and then requesting Dean Sadler and Phil Blything to run Sheffield and Liverpool respectively. At the time, Imran Ali was thinking about running the same in Leeds. I convinced him to set the schedule for 1st Tuesday of the month. Manchester OpenCoffee never took off as intended. One reason perhaps was that I never gave 100% of making it a success as I was more serious about making Northern StartUp 2.0 a commercial success (at the time it was called NW StartUp 2.0 and it was free to…