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Day: January 4, 2024

Keeping the new year momentum

It’s no secret that 2023 has been a disappointing year for me. So far this year, at least for SkilledUp Life, we have decent momentum. Day 1 – disappointing. Failed to process salaries due to the failure of Flutterwave. Day 2 – A new customer signed up. I met them first on Linkedin in November. Flutterwave started to work magically but still got bugs. Day 3 – As promised, one of our customers upgraded to the Advanced Plan. We now have 3 customers on this plan and need a total of 40 to prove that we have reached the Problem/Solution…

Learning AI through #100DaysOfAI Challenge – Day 1 & 2

I discovered a course thanks to Chamara and decided to take it in given that the ask is for 30 minutes per day. Day 2 which I completed today instead of on the 2nd Jan is all about using ChatGPT to improve your existing work, in this case, an email was used as an example. Prompts: Rewrite the following email in a casual tone of voice: Rewrite the following email using less than 300 words: I’m writing an email. Add a new section to it with concise next steps: Once your sample email is added, it will execute your request.…