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Author: ManojRanaweera

Founder & CEO of UnifiedVU

Nightmare of segmenting Techcelerate, CapsuleCRM and Mailchimp Databases whilst keeping them cleaned and in sync

How do you segment multiple databases, keep them clean and in sync? If you know an easy way, please do let me know. Techcelerate maintains 3 vital databases among many for operational management. These being: 1. (Drupal 5) with 1893 community profiles used predominantly for event registration 2. Mailchimp for weekly newsletter with 1844 profiles. 49 profiles seems to be missing. 3. Capsule for sales conversion and membership renewal management. Unfortunately, Capsule does not easily display total number of profiles held. Mailchimp automatically updates when a new profile is created on Techcelerate website, which makes life lot easier. Unfortunately,…

What are the four essential ingredients for a tech company?

Just came back from a 30 minutes jog and got my head cleared. I was thinking about what the four essential ingredients for a tech company is to succeed? In my view: 1. Viable idea 2. Talented team 3. Access to capital 4. Accessible market If so, how does Techcelerate help to achieve each of above? 1. Viable idea – Most entrepreneurs or wanna be entrepreneurs have ideas. Whilst we actively do not get involved at this stage, some of these ideas have been refined as part of engagement with the Techcelerate community. Of course, our events and workshops provide…

WorkFlowy as a Personal Task Management Tool

Since I was introduced to WorkFlowy by my fellow tech entrepreneur, Joel Gascoigne of OnePage, I have been using it daily as my personal task management tool. WorkFlowy is a simple outline tool that can be used in multiple ways, e.g. build your business plan. I have tried many task management tools since venturing into the exciting world of tech entrepreneurship in 2004, but never found anything that is as simple as workflowy. For many years, I used MindManager from MindJet, a licensed software application for mind mapping to plan my daily, weekly, monthly and annual schedules. For daily and…

Becoming a Trustee of The Bridgewater Hall Community Education Trust

Today, I became a Trustee of The Bridgewater Hall Community Education Trust (BHCET). The BHCET maximises the education potential of the Bridgewater Hall which is a world class concert hall in the centre of Manchester. The BHCET runs a wide range of projects, programmes and activities taking the building and its rich artistic life as a stimulus. The Board of Trustees consists of many well known faces of Manchester and the North West, and how I would add value is yet to be worked out. I am hoping this may be in couple of areas: 1. Brand 2. Technology 3. Culture…

Mini Social Media Strategy for

Mini Social Media Strategy to stimulate your documents on + Find five colleagues savvy with social networks, and get them to bookmark your document to Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook,, Digg and StumbleUpon + Let us know and we could also bookmark, provided its relevant not a low quality document

What are the 10 most used enterprise web applications?

What are the 10 most used enterprise web applications by you and what are the primary reasons for their usage?? In my case, in order of frequency, i.e. first being the most used and 10th being the least used out of the 10: 1. – emails 2. – lead generation 3. – spreadsheets 4. – accounts 5. – opportunities ( 6. – opportunities ( 7. – email marketing ( 8. – customer support ( 9. – product management ( 10. – email marketing ( Do share your list! Many thanks

What are the 10 most used social web applications by you?

What are the 10 most used social web applications by you and what are the primary reasons for their usage?? In my case, in order of frequency, i.e. first being the most used and 10th being the least used out of the 10: – no surprise here! – instant broadcasting, traffic generator and on-line collaboration (plus tweetdeck + tweetie + cotweet) – access to 500 million user base with difficulty – verify email addresses of new contacts and learn about individuals – videos of our events – traffic generation – traffic generation…

My comment to “Rapleaf and the Facebook Privacy Ruckus” by Om Malik

Hi Om, I wrote a blog post several months ago about how to find a person’s email address, verify it and then use other services to enrich it. I never published it due to not being totally comfortable with what I have written. The process involves (where the email address is not known): 1. Guessing the email address (there are number of ways) 2. Verifying this using the largest professional network (and if needed the largest social network) 3. Once verified, add to web applications that could enrich the email address by finding out social profiles of the individual and…

SAP Business ByDesign – Extract from ZDNet’s Dennis Howlett

Since attending the Softworld, I have been wanting to know more about SAP Business ByDesign. There is an excellent post by Dennis Howlett at ZDnet you ought to read. The following is an extract from this post. “SAP’s critics ridicule its late entry into the cloud arena. If what I am seeing represents the company’s response then its critics need to re-assess their thinking. The Business ByDesign group is now starting to build momentum. SAP shared some of its marketing strategy with me and while I have reservations, it is at last moving in the right direction. Critically, BYD marketing…

Softworld – where are the buyers?

Softworld is UK’s premier event for accounting software vendors. I was a regular attendee during the days of ebdex (my first tech startup), but have not attended the event during the last few years. Those days, the event was held in Birmingham and was seen as the annual showcase event for accountancy software. It was  at least 3 times bigger than the event I attended yesterday, and was buzzing with people. In contrast, yesterday’s event was not just small but it seems that the organisers forgot to invite buyers. Access Accounting had the largest exhibiting area, and probably worked harder…