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Tag: edocr Exclusive

How to join edocr Exclusive

If you are a customer of, you can now join edocrExclusive Private Group on Twitter. How To Join This Group Go to edocrExclusive and click on the “send request” button. We must approve new members before they are permitted to post or receive messages from the Group. Please note this service is only for paying customers and not for those who use edocr Free service. How To Post At the beginning of your Tweet type “d edocrExclusive”. This will send a private message to the group, which Twitter4Groups will then forward to everyone else who is following. Do not…

edocr Launches “edocr Exclusive” an exclusive club for our customers will continue to evolve and grow thanks to our valued customers. We want to help them beyond the growing capability of by developing an exclusive club for CxOs of our customers, where edocr Ltd will take an active involvement in introducing parties where we believe new revenue relationships can be established. We know this may become a challenge to manage as we grow from our current customer base today to many thousands tomorrow. Whilst we cannot predict the future in how this exclusive group will evolve, we will do our best to build a powerful ecosystem around…