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Day: December 31, 2006

Must have tools for blogging

Several months back, David Terrar tagged me on "must have tools" for blogging. Here is my list: WordPress – the host of this blog Technorati – ranking that is all important. I am getting closer to 100,000th mark. Qumana – Blog writer/editor RSS Feed – tracking other blogs – Now that I use IE7, there is really no need for bloglines anymore Mybloglog – unfortunately I cannot use this with my blog due to it being hosted by WordPress. However, it is useful when visiting other blogs to identify who else have recently visited those blogs. That gives instant credibility…

5 Things you might not know about me

It’s the festive season as well as the silly season, i.e. people are less stressed. It seems that there is a game of blog-tag going around the blogsphere in which bloggers are sharing 5 things about themselves that relatively few people know, and then tagging five other bloggers to it. David Terrar tagged me yesterday asking 5 things that typical reader of my blog might not know about me. Here goes: I went to a primary school in Sri Lanka called Gothami Kanishta Vidyalaya (GKV). Kanishta means primary. Vidyalaya means School. Gothami is a name of a woman. In fact…