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Forthcoming knowledge share blog posts against Marc Benioff

Having met Marc Benioff on 8th Dec 09 in London and having finished reading his book, “Behind the Cloud” recently, I will be sharing my experience against Marc’s through a series of blog posts. In his book, there are 111 plays. I will be picking plays randomly and would like to invite you to do the same by leaving you experience as comments against my posts. But before I can start, here is a reality check: Marc was well connected, influential, secure and financially stable before he setup In addition, he lived in the epic centre of technology, San…

Planning tools – removing duplication – plan for 2010

As I am in the thinking mode, one thing I am not good at is sticking to one tool for planning instead of using multiple tools. Just to get my head straighten, I thought it would be better to write it down, so here goes. 1. iGTD ( from fasticon/James Wondrack – great little GTD tool for Mac. It synchronises with iPhone app Todo (1.6.1) through Appigo Sync (0.9.6 Beta) and Mac’s own to do items displayed through iCal and also on iMail. iGTD2, the replacement to iGTD caused problems in the past with synchronising. With my intention of keeping…

edocr external tool kit just like others, need a vast number of external services to function, both as a product and business. From a business perspective, below is a list of web services we rely upon to make our life and our stakeholders lives bit easier: 1. Assembla – is my second tech startup. I operated blindly with first tech startup where daily development progress was not visible to me. Today, thanks to Assembla, I am fully aware of the current status of product development. In addition, assembla captures our specifications and knowledge share between the operational team and the development team.…

Options for charging for leads – fixed or per lead basis

Since the soft launch of in Oct 2007, we have been delivering value to our users and customers. The value delivered right now can be categorised into “exposure” leading to “prospects contacting you”. We are now entering a phase where our customers will have the opportunity to access “leads”, delivering further value. We now need to figure out the best way to commercialise the new value addition, “leads”. The two options available are: 1. Charge per lead 2. Charge a fixed fee I am a great believer of simplicity and keeping all things as simple as possible. Charging a…

Payment Solutions beyond paypal and others

I have a problem, both as a buyer and seller on payments using credit cards. I am convinced this problem is not unique to me. As a buyer – mailchimp as an example My HSBC credit card was recently cancelled due to two fraudulent transactions in the US. While I am waiting for a replacement card, my subscription to mailchimp has been halted. This causes a number of difficulties: 1. I cannot use the service to communicate with edocr user and customer base through monthly newsletter. 2. I could use my personal credit card, but this becomes a menace from…

Lead Capture – Your ideas for

On Monday, our development team will start developing sales lead capture functionality. In a nutshell, lead capture is about capturing who looked at a particular document, and with the consent of the edocr community member, pass his or her information to the publisher of the document. This only works if more and more people registers with than simply consume documents without registering. First task is for us to encourage more visitors to register. Second part includes obtaining the consent with final parts on developing tool kits that the publisher could use. We will also be attempting to use Google…

How to join edocr Exclusive

If you are a customer of, you can now join edocrExclusive Private Group on Twitter. How To Join This Group Go to edocrExclusive and click on the “send request” button. We must approve new members before they are permitted to post or receive messages from the Group. Please note this service is only for paying customers and not for those who use edocr Free service. How To Post At the beginning of your Tweet type “d edocrExclusive”. This will send a private message to the group, which Twitter4Groups will then forward to everyone else who is following. Do not…

New flyer for highlighting our focus on sales leads generation

As part of our preparations for exhibiting at Technology World 2009 on 23rd and 24th November 2009 at Coventry, UK, we have produced a new leaflet highlighting our current focus on sales lead generation through documents and the priced options we currently promote. Embedded above is the new flyer on the left hand side followed by previous flyers. The middle one was prepared for Internet World held in April 2009 in London. Below is the full document, A5 size in terms of print. Why should you consider This section highlights 5 benefits we provide: 1. Maximised Exposure – We…

Your picture size correction at

For an unknown reason, the image sizing module within have malfunctioned over the last few weeks. As a result, your picture would not have re-sized to suit your account page or your document pages. This has only affected accounts created recently. If your picture is displayed without resizing, it will look like the following image, in terms of giant size. In this case, please upload your picture again, and it should re-size automatically. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you come across any problems with this process or any aspects of

edocr Launches “edocr Exclusive” an exclusive club for our customers will continue to evolve and grow thanks to our valued customers. We want to help them beyond the growing capability of by developing an exclusive club for CxOs of our customers, where edocr Ltd will take an active involvement in introducing parties where we believe new revenue relationships can be established. We know this may become a challenge to manage as we grow from our current customer base today to many thousands tomorrow. Whilst we cannot predict the future in how this exclusive group will evolve, we will do our best to build a powerful ecosystem around…