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Day: July 29, 2006

Introduction 1: ebdex Document Exchange – Various Configurations

In a previous article, I explained how the market can be segmented in to: Supplier-centric: sending documents such as invoices electronically from Accounts Receivable (A/R) systems. Purchaser/buyer-centric: receiving documents such as invoices electronically in to Accounts Payable (A/P) systems. Enterprise-centric: sending and receiving documents such as invoices electronically from/into A/R and A/P systems. Exchanges: Connects suppliers and buyers – many different configurations exists. Perhaps I will cover this under separate heading. ebdex Document Exchange can be used in following configurations: Web-to-Web: brings benefits to users. Web-to-End: brings benefits to users with significant benefit to "End" user. End-to-Web: brings benefits to…

Tiyga – 3rd User Group Event

Having introduced Tiyga on my blog few days ago, I am privileged to report that I have been invited to attend the 3rd User Group Event planned on 2nd August 06 by Tiyga! Katrina has achieved significant publicity since featuring on The Daily Telegraph‘s Trailblazers event and featuring on Orange. 1 month free trial has been offered to all Orange subscribers. I also understand that other mobile operators are also interested in partnering with Katrina. Tiyga is based on a simple concept. Yet the solution when correctly installed and used, gives unparallel visibility to how one spends his or her…