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Introduction 1: ebdex Document Exchange – Various Configurations

In a previous article, I explained how the market can be segmented in to:

  1. Supplier-centric: sending documents such as invoices electronically from Accounts Receivable (A/R) systems.
  2. Purchaser/buyer-centric: receiving documents such as invoices electronically in to Accounts Payable (A/P) systems.
  3. Enterprise-centric: sending and receiving documents such as invoices electronically from/into A/R and A/P systems.
  4. Exchanges: Connects suppliers and buyers – many different configurations exists. Perhaps I will cover this under separate heading.

ebdex Document Exchange can be used in following configurations:

  1. Web-to-Web: brings benefits to users.
  2. Web-to-End: brings benefits to users with significant benefit to "End" user.
  3. End-to-Web: brings benefits to users with significant benefit to "End" user.
  4. End-to-End: provides the maximum benefit that can be expected to both "End" users.

"End" user means user’s system has been integrated with ebdex Document Exchange for seamless document exchange between user’s accounting, ERP or CRM system and ebdex Document Exchange. "End" user can be configured in three ways:

  1. Supplier-centric: To send documents out electronically from accounting, ERP, SOP, CRM or any other system.
  2. Purchaser/buyer-centric: To receive documents electronically in to accounting, ERP or any other system.
  3. Enterprise-centric: To send and receive documents electronically.

In all eventualities, a central (single) transaction hub will be used in "hub-and-spoke" configuration. A spoke would represent a direct link with a user’s accounting, ERP or CRM system

"Web" user means use of on-line facilities. In this configuration, a user will log on to ebdex Document Exchange to:

  1. Send document(s) to a registered trading partner. – documents can be prepared on-line using web form(s) or a document prepared externally can be uploaded
  2. Receive documents from a registered trading partner – documents can be viewed, down loaded and printed if wished.

In "Web" user configuration, ebdex Document Exchange functions as a stand alone system without having user’s accounting/ERP/CRM or any other system integrated to ebdex Document Exchange. In almost all cases, this would be the entry point for users. Development of suitable interface drivers will allow a user to migrate from "Web" user to "End" user, thus increasing the level of automation. Further article will elaborate this further.

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